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European Projects

Pan-European Traveling Jewelry Exhibition by the European Parliament of Silver and Goldsmith Schools,( P.L.E.), at the I.I.E.K of the Municipality of Volos , KEKPA-DIEK.

Ten schools from eight countries with a long tradition in the field of Silver and Goldsmithing from all over Europe, participate in the large traveling Jewelry exhibition for the school year, 2020-2021 which will be hosted in V.T.I. of Volos Municipality from 23/6 to 15/9 2021.

V.T.I. of Volos Municipality is a member of the European Parliament of Silver and Gold Schools (PLE) from 2009 until today. In the context of the extroversion that it develops and with the aim of the general upgrade of its educational program, the IIEK of the Municipality of Volos is constantly expanding its contacts through the European Erasmus + programs with schools abroad.

PLE is an organization in which 17 European Vocational Education and Training schools participate in the field of Jewelry. Each year at its annual conference, usually held in May, it organizes the Pan-European Traveling Jewelry Exhibition with student work starting from December to July, while at the same time announcing competitions for the design and creation  of jewelry among students. Due to the restrictions of the pandemic, this year the conference will not be held. The exhibition started in Madrid in February, then traveled to Valencia, Italy, after that in Lisbon. From June 23 to September 15 she will be hosted at the IIEK of the Municipality of Volos of KEKPA-DIEK and then she will continue her journey to the other schools.

Schools participating: BAJ - London (England), KEKPA-DIEK - Volos (Greece), Escola Artistica Antonio Arroio- Lisbon (Portugal), Escola Artistica Soares dos Reis - Porto (Portugal), Escuela de Arte 3 - Madrid (Spain), FOR.AL SCUOLA Orafa Vincenzo Melchiorre - Valenza (Italy), IATA - Namur (Belgium), IIEK MOKUME - Thessaloniki (Greece), I.I.S. CELLINI –Valenza (ITALY), Lycee Prof. Jean Guehenno - St. Amand Mondrond (France)


The President of KEKPA-DIEK  Mrs. Sofia Chalari and the Vice President and Legal Representative of V.T.I. of Volos Municipality, Mr. Apostolos Zarkadas-Vergis, have a common goal of promoting and strengthening respective European actions, as they consider the participation in European Programs as one of its main goals I.I.E.K.of Volos Municipality for the more complete education and training of its students.

Due to state restrictions due to Covid-19, no inauguration will take place.  Visiting exhibition  is free and the attendance of the public will take place during the opening hours of the school (Riga Fereou 1 & Chironos) 9.00 to 14.30 with necessary protection measures as defined. Information is provided to the public daily from tel: 2421056446,